red bean loaf



you know i have noticed i do used a lot of red beans in my foods but i think that’s just because red beans is the kind of staple ingredients that you must have in your dry food cupboard. finally have got my kitchenaid (yay!) so have been playing with bread making…

red bean loaf

reference to 65C Tangzhong Bread making

Tangzhong aka the roux
50g Bread flour
250g Water
First, mix the two ingredients together in the pot pan, then slowly heating the mixture up over the hob until it reach 65C. Once it hit 65C, as you mix, you should see some lines forming after your whisk, this means the mixture is ready.
Now, plate it up and cover it over the surface using cling film. Leave it aside to cool.

Main Dough
475 Bread flour
25g milk powder
75g Caster sugar
8g Salt
8g Dry easy yeast
135g milk
50g Egg
150g Tangzhong aka the roux
40g Unsalted butter
160g canned red beans

Place all dry ingredients into the mixing bowl, add in tongzhong, egg and half of the water and start kneading. Add more water as you knead… the whole dough should soak up the water quantity stated. if is too wet before you even finish the quantity, dont add anymore. if is slightly over wet, add a little flour when you kneading it on the marble/worktop.
knead until the elasticity is forming, then gradually knead in the butter. Continue kneading until all butter are incorporated and then whole dough is really shiny n elastic.

If you are using a mixer machine with a dough hook. Add all dry ingredients, then tongzhong and egg, pour in 1/3 of the milk, start low speed mixing it. then add the remaining water into it, you have to use your eyes and look for the right texture and moist of the dough. Mix for one minute or until all ingredients combined.
Turn the speed into one level up, mix for another two minutes until the dough is forming its proper dough.. and you then turn the speed into another level up and let this knead until the dough is really elastic and the whole dough is really bouncy.
The dough is ready, when you pick a piece of dough, lightly pull it apart and see if there is like form a membrane alike. If it does, that means the dough is ready.

Next, place the dough into a oiled bowl and covered with film film. Heat a cup of water in microwave first, when done. Place the dough bowl into the microwave with the water. close the door. Leave it to raise for like 40 mins or until double in size.

Once done. press the air out of the dough; divide the dough into four pieces of  approx 230g each. Let it bench rest for 15 mins covered.

Then you roll the dough out to similar size of your loaf tin, sprinkle the red beans, roll it up into a roll. Then place it onto the mould. continue this with the other doughs. when you are done, use the oven to prove the dough final time. By warming the oven first for 5 mins, then turn off. And also heat up a cup of water in the microwave, take out and place it in the oven. Place your tin in the bottom shelf for it to raise.
Please note, careful not to put onto the top, as the warm air goes upwards causing the dough to raise too fast and the texture of the dough will then become too coarse.

Let the dough raise until 90% of the mould and bake at 180C for 30 mins. Depends on your oven.


12 兩吐司模型 x 2 條

50g 高筋粉
250g 水
p.s. 是1:5 的比例,所以可以按需要而弄.


先放乾材料,加入蛋,湯種,一半水,揉. 再加入其餘的水,再揉,揉至筋度出來才下奶油,再繼續揉,揉至光滑,有彈性,
中間發酵 15 分鐘
發酵後,烤約35分鐘 @ 180C.


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